Unable to input format in katalon studio

I am using Postman to validate my REST API testing and it is working and returning status 200 and the format is like this
However, when i tried to use in Katalon Studio, I have no idea how to input the correct format.

Anson said:

I am using Postman to validate my REST API testing and it is working and returning status 200 and the format is like this
However, when i tried to use in Katalon Studio, I have no idea how to input the correct format.

I hope below article will help you to resolve your issue.

Anson said:

I am using Postman to validate my REST API testing and it is working and returning status 200 and the format is like this
However, when i tried to use in Katalon Studio, I have no idea how to input the correct format.

I hope below article will help you to resolve your issue

Hi Siva, I read the URL that you’ve provided and I do not really understand how to input. Currently, my API in post is [{ ]} format however, it seems that Katalon Studio do not accept this format.

Hi @Anson

Please find the below screenshots. This would be helpful to resolve your issue. Please let me know if you need more clarification.

‘Http Body’
def create_issue = WS.sendRequest(findTestObject(‘Object Repository/TestingPostMethod’,
[(‘firstname’) : firstname
, (‘lastname’) : lastname
, (‘company’) : company
, (‘leadSource’) : leadSource
, (‘salary__c’) : salary__c
, (‘bonus__c’) : bonus__c]))