Unable to find Katalon project inside Docker image though present at /katalon/katalon/source

We have created a custom docker image using Katalon official docker image, which supports remote desktop connectivity to docker container at run-time. While running mentioned command getting below error . Also have added docker run command for your reference.

Command: katalon-execute.sh -browserType=“Chrome” -retry=0 -statusDelay=15 -testSuitePath=“Test Suites/DockerExecutionSuite1”

Error : Invalid argument: Cannot find project '/tmp/katalon_execute/project/DockerExecution.prj

Run command used: docker run -it -v /home/ubuntu/DockerExecution/:/katalon/katalon/source -w /tmp/source -p 3389:3389 --shm-size 1g ahteshama/xrdp7 bash

P. S : We could see DockerExecution.prj file present at ‘/katalon/katalon/source’ location but still getting above mentioned error.

Please check and suggest what we can do to solve mentioned error.

Varsha Maheshwari