Unable to Find Element error due to window size?


I am experiencing this error message: Unable to find the element located by ‘By.xpath: //div[@id=‘b6-l1-154_0-b1-b2-l1_0-155_0-b2-Content’]/a’. Please recheck the objects properties to make sure the desired element is located.
However, the element is visible when the browser window is maximized. I’ve tried a workaround: zooming out the window page during recording, but when running the test, the zoom features didn’t change and by default the browser window is minimized.

Is there a fix to this and am I able to change to maximized windows by default when running tests?

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Hi there, :wave:

Thank you very much for your topic! It may take a little while before Katalon team member or others forum members respond to you.

In the meantime, you can double-check your post to see if you can add any extra information i.e. error logs, HTML codes, screenshots, etc. Check out this posting guide to help us help you better!

Thanks! :sunglasses:
Katalon Community team

set your desired browser window size in desired capability

Perhaps one of the following methods will help:


Just curious. Are you familiar with dynamic pathways? Dynamic pathways are one that change every time the application is launched? The above looks like it would be a candidate for dynamic pathways. One time “0-155_0” and next time “6-36_0”.

Maybe you can try:
//div[contains(@id,'b6-l1') and contains(@id,'_0-b2-Content')]/a