Chrome default screen size for Katalon test runs


Please let me know if Chrome width=height window is default browser window size.

I do not apply:

  • related to browser window keywords
  • desired capabilities
  • any code for browser window size settings
    but tests open in quadrat window. What Settings are wrong?

I have troubles with tests run on different screens (diagonal).

Thank you in advance for your answers!

To ensure your browser is the same size every time, I just use:


I understand you can set the window size in Desired Capabilities but I don’t. I just do it with the maximize statement as I used it years ago and haven’t changed it.


:+1: Me too.


I use the following where needed.
For example:


You can set your desired size at the beginning of your test case.

@Dave_Evers Yes, use this way to set up a browser window size. But it works weird. I need to see full screen.

@yakovlieva.olena ,
You are seeing a full/detached floating screen.
If you don’t want that then use ‘WebUI.maximizeWindow()’

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it works, thank you!