The platform version 'null' should be a valid version number (Error)

I am beginner of katalon. I start test using “sample ios project” and got an error (The platform version ‘null’ should be a valid version number) and can’t continue. I am using

  • macOS Mojave 10.14.4
  • appium - 1.8.2 (beta)
  • npm - 6.9.0
  • xcode - 10.2.1
  • Device - iPh 5s (12.2) (simulator) / iPh 5s (11.3) (simulator) / iPh 6 (12.2) (real)
  • Testing App - Coffee Timer-iPad Pro (9.7-inch).ipa

WebDebugAgent can build and install on all device. (SPY Mobile and Start) I got the error. Anyone know what I need? (Thank)

Hi @sheinthulwin,

Please try with Katalon v6.2.0.rc1(Katalon Studio version 6.2.0.rc1 with experimental support for iOS 12.2 and Xcode 10.2)
Please remember that .ipa can only be installed on real devices. For simulators, use .app file instead.



I have exactly the same issue, everything looks ok, but when mobile recorder is started, I receive The platform version null should be a valid version number.
Katalon 6.1.5. version

I think that I manage to resolve this issue adding additional setting into the Katalon - Project - Setting.

platformVersion 12.2



@Tomaz_Brilej, Thanks this worked for me.

thanks a lot ; working for me too

Thanks… It work… But my real device show with “empty name” in “Record Mobile > Device Name”. (I can run on simulators with .app.)