Testing for newbies (4) - Test Automation Process

:pushpin: Testing for newbies is a bi-weekly series that aims at helping novices in testing with basic, selective, and relevant digests. These topics cover entry-level test automation knowledge, from a glossary for newbies to the introduction to different testing techniques.

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:pushpin: Question listed under this topic:
10. Test Automation Process

:point_right: See also: Testing for newbies

10. Test Automation Process

Step 1: Defining the Scope of Automation

The scope of automation means the area of Application Under Test (AUT) that will be automated. Make sure to walk through and know the teamโ€™s test state, the test data amount, and the environment where tests take place. Below are additional points to determine the scope:

  • Technical feasibility
  • The complexity of test cases
  • The features/functions that are important for the business
  • The extent to which business components are reused
  • The ability to use the same test cases for cross-browser testing

Step 2: Selecting a Testing Tool

You can choose from a wide range of automation tools to fit your use cases. The process depends on the technology in which the application tests are built. Each tool and framework serve different purposes. Therefore, it is essential to understand different tools and their functionalities to make the decision easier.

Step 3: Planning, Designing, and Development

Your test plan could include the following things:

  • Selected automation testing tool
  • Framework design and its features
  • A detailed timeline for scripting and executing test cases
  • In-scope and Out-of-scope items of automation
  • Goals and deliverables of automation testing process

Step 4: Executing Test Cases and Building your reports

You can write scripts and run tests automatically by running the code directly or calling an applicationโ€™s API or user interface. After the execution, a test report will be generated and provide a detailed summary of the testing so far in the project.

Step 5: Maintaining previous test cases

Test maintenance is unavoidable if you want to expand the collection of reusable test scripts. Even if you managed to script and run the automated tests, you would still need to update them when the application changes.

:pushpin: This test automation is an excerpt of the Katalon Blog Automation Testing 101:What, Why and How.

:point_right: Empower your testing knowledge now by practicing with Katalon!

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