Test Suite Collection HTML Report


I have a very basic question
Katalon 7.0 latest version (either enterprise or free one) - does it have the feature of generating a consolidated HTML report for test suite collection execution from CMD (using Katalon Run time engine now ) ?

From the marketing emails I see below two promises. And I believe HTML report for collection execution is not there. Please clarrify



I also would like to know the answer before I pay for the tools.

Any updates on this?

@Jass DO you have any info on this?

@Jass said:

Test Suite Collection report (in JUnit) is available …

I haven’t seen any example of “Test Suite Collection report in JUnit”. I just guess it is a XML document of the well-know JUnit report format. I guess it is not a report similar to what is called “Basic Report”.

I am not sure if this is a satisfactory solution for you.