Test case fails due to object id not able to identify while test execcution

While executing my test case ,it keeps fail due to object id not able to identify.

But id looks fine . attached screenshot of web html and katalon

HTML Snippet

Katalon object

Katalon Error

Please help me to understand why its failing

looks the like id is dynamic

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yes it is dynamic .But both katalon test object id and html id same why it is not locating ?

“Dynamic” in this context means the id changes each time the page is loaded into the browser.

Looking at your code, I don’t believe it is dynamic. It looks like an ASP.NET id - lengthy but fixed and derived from code on the server (page-behind).

As to why Katalon cannot find it, perhaps it is not available when you try to perform actions on it. Did you wait for it to become visible?


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Another possibility is that the element lives within an iframe, in which case, Katalon wouldn’t be able to find it if you’re in the wrong context.

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