Slowness Issues in Katalon 10.0.0

Hii Community,

From 7th November , I’m facing slowness issue while running a script in katalon . But while I’m doing manually no slowness issue is there . But while running the script it takes by default waits 30 seconds for each elements .to perform the action.

Is Anyone know , is this issue related to katalon or something else .

Debanga Prasad


are you using BDD in your project?

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No I’'m Not using BDD.

Have you updated Katalon Studio recently (at 7th Nov or 6th)?

After upgrading KS, have you updated the webdriver to the latest version?

Yes Prevoiusly I’m Using 9.7.2 , So I Update this to the new version 10.0.0. When I see this slowness I though this may be driver related for this I also Updates the web drivers . But the slowness issues is persisting .

At v10.0.0, they upgraded Selenium from v3 to v4. It’s a big change.

  • Upgraded to Selenium 4.22.

This topic would deserve a serious attention of Katalon Developers.



for further investigation, maybe it’s better if you provide more info @debanga.jena
such as machine information, log, etc.

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This slowness is is on 9.7.2 as well as 10.0.0 @depapp

Have you ever seen Katalon Studio of any version running quick enough?
Was Katalon Studio always slow for you?

Due to client privacy I’m unable to send you the logs.

No this slowness issue arise just yesterday i.e 7th November but before , Katalon was working fine in both 9.7.2 as well as 10.0.0 version.

What did you do at the day before 7th November?

Did the US President Election result influence your machine?


Try running your tests on any public domain url. Compare and share the results of your client specific/public urls on the slowness. you can share the logs for public url if possible

Try different browsers, Chrome, Edge, Firefox. Is it slow with call 3 browsers?

Try the same project on some other machine. Is it still slow?

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: This is a Good one :laughing: :laughing:

Try Windows 10,11, MacOS etc including different patch upgrades with different browser combinations :stuck_out_tongue:

If you disable smart wait, does the behavior change?

Yes I tried this also but , the result is same. Still taking by default 30 sec to perform any action on web element.

I think we’d need the logs. I suggest creating a support ticket.

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Logs requested earlier also. OP yet to share