sendKeys(ENTER) in IE 11

Hey guys, I’m having the following problem:
I have a test where I enter a term into a searchbar, press Enter and the results should be shown.
The test works in all browsers except the IE11. There I see in the log, that the sending of the key was successful but I still see the searchbar in the browser like the key would not have been hit. If I hit it manually the test continues and completes.
Any ideas what might cause the problem?

Hi Simon

Does the search bar look as though it has focus? Is the cursor flashing?

Why not show us the line of code that seems to be failing?

Hey Russ,

thanks a lot for the answer!
Yes the search bar has focus, the cursor is flashing.
I can just press Enter on my keyboard manually and everything runs.
There is not really a loc failing. Everything passes like you see:

04-12-2018 08:51:23 AM - [START]  - Start action : setText
04-12-2018 08:51:23 AM - [INFO]   - Finding Test Object with id 'Object Repository/Simon/Page_1/searchbar'
04-12-2018 08:51:23 AM - [INFO]   - Checking object
04-12-2018 08:51:23 AM - [INFO]   - Checking text
04-12-2018 08:51:23 AM - [INFO]   - Checking timeout
04-12-2018 08:51:23 AM - [INFO]   - Finding web element with id: 'Object Repository/Simon/Page_1/searchbar' located by 'By.xpath: //*[@class = 'jss160']' in '30' second(s)
04-12-2018 08:51:23 AM - [INFO]   - Found 1 web elements with id: 'Object Repository/Simon/Page_1/searchbar' located by 'By.xpath: //*[@class = 'jss160']' in '30' second(s)
04-12-2018 08:51:23 AM - [INFO]   - Clearing text of object 'Object Repository/Simon/Page_1/searchbar'
04-12-2018 08:51:24 AM - [INFO]   - Checking timeout
04-12-2018 08:51:24 AM - [INFO]   - Finding web element with id: 'Object Repository/Simon/Page_1/searchbar' located by 'By.xpath: //*[@class = 'jss160']' in '30' second(s)
04-12-2018 08:51:24 AM - [INFO]   - Found 1 web elements with id: 'Object Repository/Simon/Page_1/searchbar' located by 'By.xpath: //*[@class = 'jss160']' in '30' second(s)
04-12-2018 08:51:24 AM - [INFO]   - Setting text of object 'Object Repository/Simon/Page_1/searchbar' to value 'marvin'
04-12-2018 08:51:24 AM - [PASSED] - Text 'marvin' is set on object 'Object Repository/Simon/Page_1/searchbar'
04-12-2018 08:51:24 AM - [END]    - End action : setText
04-12-2018 08:51:24 AM - [START]  - Start action : sendKeys
04-12-2018 08:51:24 AM - [INFO]   - Finding Test Object with id 'Object Repository/Simon/Page_1/searchbar'
04-12-2018 08:51:24 AM - [INFO]   - Sending keys 'ENTER + ' to object: 'Object Repository/Simon/Page_1/searchbar'
04-12-2018 08:51:24 AM - [INFO]   - Checking timeout
04-12-2018 08:51:24 AM - [INFO]   - Finding web element with id: 'Object Repository/Simon/Page_1/searchbar' located by 'By.xpath: //*[@class = 'jss160']' in '30' second(s)
04-12-2018 08:51:24 AM - [INFO]   - Found 1 web elements with id: 'Object Repository/Simon/Page_1/searchbar' located by 'By.xpath: //*[@class = 'jss160']' in '30' second(s)
04-12-2018 08:51:25 AM - [PASSED] - Keys 'ENTER + ' sent to object: 'Object Repository/Simon/Page_1/searchbar'
04-12-2018 08:51:25 AM - [END]    - End action : sendKeys

But in the browser still the search bar is shown and not the result page.

Any idea?

Br, Simon

Nope. Sorry.

Looks like IE is behaving badly. Imagine that.


Please try with WIN 10 IE it is same as running on FireFox. I am not sure why the issue with WIN 7 IE. But I have executed the same script on WIN 10 IE, It is working fine as expected.