Send keys doesn't work on Firefox

Hi, for my test case i have to fill a form field autocomplete by javascript.
Example: I write “Par” and js offer “Paris”

I can’t click on the suggestion so i find a solution for chrome. I send keys.DOWN and keys.ENTER to select the first proposition.
But this solution doesn’t work on firefox.

Have you already seen a problem like this ?

Hi Maxence
Did you ever got an answer regarding this issue?
Send keys doesn’t work for me either on Firefox 62.0.3.
the “Enter” action gives a strange instead.
Works good on Chrome

Have you guys tried using the Actions class?

Actions actions = new Actions(DriverFactory.getWebDriver());



It works for me in firefox.

To resolve this issue, use
instead of

For clarification, the whole line would be
WebUI.sendKeys(findTestObject('Page_MyPage/input_Passwort_password'), Keys.ENTER.toString())