Save Screenshot

Hi folks,
I’m using command: “captureEntirePageScreenshot” target:“C:\Users\me\Desktop\Bot\test.png” in Katalon Recorder (vers. 3.6.11) for saving (download) the screenshot in C:. Unfortunately in chrome (vers 67.0.3396.99 ) I can’t or I’m not doing the right procedure. Any Idea?

i have the same problem.

Needed some help in storing screenshot in the Reports/Testsuite run folder.
Currently Screenshots are not getting saved alongwith Junit report
I want the screenshot to be saved in the same folder as test result run using test suite.
As Test Suite folder are generated with a timestamp on every run, how to provide relative path in that case ?


hello. It seems that no one has found a solution. It is enough for me if there is a way to automatically save screenshots from different pages with different names in one folder. It is not difficult to define different names. The problem is that automatic download is not done at all.