Running Katalon tests on Flutter app

Please let us know what you are using Katalon Studio for?

I have currently applied Katalon Studio in my project

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Operating System

Linux Ubuntu

Katalon Studio Version


I have used Katalon before at a previous company on a react/JS application. I am now with a new company and we use Flutter/Dart. Does Katalon Studio support testing of Flutter apps? None of my objects can be found using Xpath or Attributes. I used the Spy Redorder to get the objects.

Flutter Web apps are, as I understand it and broadly speaking, HTML, CSS and JavaScript - plus some jiggery pokery to get Dart in there (perhaps via a transpiler).

So, again broadly speaking, the answer is “yes”.

However, from the minuscule demos I’ve seen, the HTML source looks to be a (rats) nest of iframes and other containers that may make digging through the source “cumbersome” and tedious, to say the least.

I would not expect the Spy tool to handle a Flutter app - but I have not tried.

I would imagine XPath(s) to be cumbersome, too.

If you have a specific example that is publicly accessible, let me (us) know and we’ll take deeper look.

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Hi All, Is there is any support to automate flutter web application using Katalon

I can this thread is year before and wanted to check whether there is any work around or direct way of automation


Hi @prabu_sam,

Regarding Flutter web applications, we currently only provide recording and spying like other web applications.

Nam Nguyen.

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