Run Chrome with a different user than the one who started Katalon


I tried with script using different windows user in my local machine using Katalon. I can successfully load that user profile with normal scripting but i get an error when i run the same script inside client network as i don’t have permission to access other user profiles. So I will ask for me to grant access for other profiles as this is the only simple way where i can achieve this scenario.

Thanks for your help!!

I was going to suggest to you to find another job. but hopefully not necessary.

:grin: I totally agree with you :wink::+1:

keep pushing. they allways do like this … ‘heey, but what if …’
stay strong on your position, to do it the right way


“Hey, boss, you know you have me testing features of Google Chrome in Windows, right? Why are we doing Google’s job for them?”


Will say that if they don’t give me proper access this time to test. :stuck_out_tongue:

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