Retry testsuite selects wrong testcases

I have a Testsuite

  • 53 testcases
  • 3 testcases in setUp script
  • 4 testcases in TearDown script

I just changed logging to in order to speed up the daily runs:

Settings I use for the testsuite:

When I run the testsuit, 3 testcases fail, but in the retry 3 different testcases are retried


001 - ok
002 - ok
003 - nok
004 - ok
005 - ok
006 - ok
007 - ok

In the example above testcase 006 is retries, while 003 failed.
(maybe it has something to do with the 3 testcases in setUp script?)

Currently using Katalon Studio Enterprise version 9.6.0
edit: just confirmed that if I disable the setUp script, everything works fine and the failed testcases are retried.

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how if you mark setUp test cases as Pass/Skip?
KeywordUtil.markPassed("the message here") or KeywordUtil.markWarning("the message here")

Thanks for your reply!

I’ve just tried that, but it doesn’t make a difference for me

My testcase which is run in the setUp script of the testsuite


// Test case steps here
 KeywordUtil.markPassed("Testcase is passed") 
} catch (Exception e) 
 KeywordUtil.markWarning("Error in Testcase")
 throw e 
 } finally {

Was this the way you suggested?