Read Excel Workseet data


For data drive testing I create one excel file with multi pal sheet contain g different input data set. Each worksheet contains data set for each test cases. and that all test cases are execute under one suite.

So my test data read flow is like
Test Suit > Read worksheet1 > Execute Testcase1 > Read worksheet2 > Execute Testcase2 > Read worksheet3 > Execute Testcase3
here my first test case execute properly but for my second test case I am not find way to set\read data set from excelworksheet2. I know that I can implement this in Listener using Apache poi and other third party jar. but is there any other easy way in katalon to achieve this.




Open the “Data Files” item on the “Test Explorer” and select a “Data Files” item in order to configure it…

Expand the “File’s Information” panel to expose its settings…

1. Choose the Excel Worksheet’s “File Name” by using the Browse button…
2. Choose the Excel Worksheet’s “Sheet Name” by using the Browse button…
3. If the Excel Worksheet has a first row for column names, click the “Use first row as a header” checkbox…
4. If the Excel Worksheet is located in the “…/Data Files” folder, click the “Use relative path” checkbox…

You will need to create one “Data Files” item for each Excel Worksheet you intend a Test Case to use in your Project…

In your example above, you would need three “Data Files” items: One for Testcase1, one for Testcase2 and one for Testcase3…

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Data for Test Execution


See attached MS Word file for implementation that is an alternative to the above link’s method of using “Variable Binding”…

Kuali Login Test Case.docx