Proxy setup in console mode

Hi Katalon Team,

i am using you katalon docker image. When i start executing the slaves, there is a slowness in executing the test cases. we have configured proxy settings in our linux servers. can any one of you tell me how to pass or setup proxy setup in console mode for linux?

Looking forward to the reply soon.


Hi Team,

Any Updates?


Hi Team,

Any updates,


Hi there,

Currently this is NOT SUPPORTED in console mode of Katalon Studio by passing additional parameters for proxy settings

Using normal Katalon Studio on Windows / Mac will use the same proxy settings from its application settings, so you don’t need to pass this proxy settings in these versions.

However using Docker from Linux version is a different story, so we are thinking about it and will reply to you once we have an answer.

Please wait for it.


Katalon Studio version 5.3.1 has supported passing proxy settings to console mode command. Please grab it and try.

Vinh Nguyen said:

Katalon Studio version 5.3.1 has supported passing proxy settings to console mode command. Please grab it and try.

Thanks to katalon Team for resloving this issue and thanks to Vinh for informing it.