Parallel Execution of multiple test cases within the same test suite

I have to execute all the test cases within the same test suite simultaneously. Is it possible in Katalon Studio?

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i don’t thinks so and you should never design such approach with Katalon
i understand the reason to execute test suites in parallel with this tool.
but running test-cases like such… :thinking:
why would you do that?

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I have to do different actions in a web page. So for each actions, I have written the testcases. And I want them to be executed everyday simultaneously.

provided you have written your testcases mutual independent, the options are:

  • rewrite them in python + pytest and study the available plugins for parallelizations (some limitations apply)
  • take a look at playwright, perhaps will suit better (some limitations apply also)
  • search a lot on google for anything else
  • write your own solution

Good luck with this, Katalon is not what you are looking for.

Have a look at this:

Let me suppose you have 3 Test Cases: TC1, TC2, TC3

You would create 3 Test Suites: TS1, TS2, TC3. TS1 will contain TC1. TC2 will contain TC2. TS3 will contain TC3.

You would reate a Test Suite Collection: TSC, which contains 3 Test Suites: TS1, TS2, TS3. You have an option to execuite the TSC in einther sequential and parallel.

TC1 — TS1 ------ TCS
TC2 — TS2 -----/
TC3 — TS3 ----/

Please try this configuration and report back here how you find it. Is it useful for you?

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May I ask you a question?
Why do you want to execute multiple test cases simultaneously?

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I know this thread is old so hopefully I get a response from you or someone else. I am trying to do something similar to what you suggested above, however it seems that the test suites are still running sequentially even though I have it set to run in parallel. Do you know why this would be happening?

Thanks for the quick response.

Yes I was attempting to run multiple Test Suites in parallel on a single machine. I agree with your opinion on the parallel execution option in Studio as it seems like there is no change from selecting sequential. I have tried using the “Agents” like you mentioned and that does seem to achieve true parallel execution.

Oddly enough, using one “Agent” and running a test suite seems to start multiple test cases at the same time and run them in parallel and I’m not sure why that is. From my understanding and the Docs you linked to I would need 2 or more separate “Agents” to achieve that. I’ll have to dive deeper and see if this will fit our use case or if we will have to use another solution.

Thanks again for your detailed response!

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I doubt it would happen. If yes, it is a serious bug of TestOps. You should escarate it.

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Ya I reached out to support to confirm my suspicions or see if this is expected behavior. Thanks again for all your help.

May I inquire about executing test cases simultaneously? Would this aid in testing data under race conditions? I am in need of tools to ensure that two users click the submit button simultaneously with precisely the same second. Is this achievable using Katalon?

Thank you in advance

I would answer “Yes”. But Katalon Studio does not provide any out-of-box solution for you. You need to develop a bunch of Groovy codes to achieve what you want.

You do not need to run your tests “in parallel”. That’s not what you need to do.

You want to open 2 Browser windows simultaneously and let your test script interact with both of them. You want to run a single test script and 2 browsers on a PC. I have ever done it once. Please have a look at my previous post:

As the above demo shows, your test case can interact with the browserA first then switch to the browserB; interact with B then switch back to A. You can repeat switching browsers as many times as you want. However, you should note, switching the partner browser for the test script would take a few seconds; 1sec, 2sec,…, it depends.

You wrote you want to do two actions precisely the same second. How minute the preciseness do you require? 5 seconds? 500 mili seconds? 50 mili seconds? or 5 mili second? You should define the criteria clearly.

If you do not accept the time gap of a few seconds, well, I would say I don’t know how to satisfy you. One-shot manual testing would be the easiest to do.