Override profiles in Test Suite Collection in CLI mode


I recently ran into the same issue when attempting to assign a specific profile to a Test Collection in version 6.3.3. This is the same error condition that was mentioned in 5.4. Has there been any updates on how we can set the execution policy for Test Collections?



Is this planned to get fixed in Kataon 7.0 ? , we would like to override executionProfile when running the test suite collection from CMD


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HI, any update about this override profiles in a TSCollection in Client mode? I have to execute same collection for 3 diff environments. Its not worth it editing manually . I wanna write my JBuild with the specific environment I want. Thanks.

How to provide values to variables in Katalon Test Case scripts at runtime? — it is a recurring problem.

Katalon Team proposed and implemented a way to override GlobalVariables by specifying which Execution Profile to use for a Test Suites run. Howerver, as @pgonzalez and others pointed out, you can not override Exeution Profile for a TestSuiteCollection.

I would propose that another method is possible. If you are willing to develop fair amount of Groovy code yourself, you can give values from some *.properties file to test case variables. Just to let you think of alternatives, see the following old post of mine at 2018:

Hello everyone

From Katalon Studio 7.6, you can override Browser Type and Execution Profile of all Test Suites in a Test Suite Collection via command line. Learn more

Please refer to release notes for more details regarding our latest release.

Happy Testing
