Not able to setText on Rich Text Area Editor

Hi Katalon Team,
I am having a big trouble on setting the text on a Rich Text Area text Area. Any time when i reach to the page where i have the Xinha Rich Text Editor inside an iframe i am not able to set the text properly. below is the error:
RichTextArea set value failed: [

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<div st

take look here

Andrej Podhajský said:

take look here
How to create test case to write text into Redactor Editor? - Katalon Studio - Katalon Community

No not working for me. Any other helps.

ok, at least give us full error message from console, html snipplet of element you want update … etc.

Andrej Podhajský said:

ok, at least give us full error message from console, html snipplet of element you want update … etc.

I have the scenario same as mentioned in the below link.

See the textarea, by default some HTML tag are present inside it in the recording mode. My internal instance also has a rich text area which is inside an iFrame. Whenever i am in the recording mode, a default HTML tag will be inserted in it why Object Spy.
If i playback the recorded script it is fine.

Look at this: This is the actual issue:

can this be achieved using Katalon Recorder? I also want to sendKeys on rich text editor. This site has rich text editor example. Can I use Katalon Recorder to sendkeys into rich text editor?

Hi @here,

We are delighted to let you know that the ability to Set Text action in Rich text editor has been implemented in our latest release with Katalon Studio version 9.3.0, you can read more about it below :point_down: