Not able to install Katalon Studio

I tried to download exe file from katalon website but when trying to install it is giving message as shown here:

Please can someone help to resolve this issue?


Hi there,

Thank you very much for your topic. Please note that it may take a little while before a member of our community or from Katalon team responds to you.


Hi there Nikita, :wave:

Welcome to our forum.

Can you let us know which operating system (and its version) you are using? And whether you are using firewall or have any other network settings that may affect Katalon Studio download process?


Hi Albert,

I was downloading the application in Client VDI. Below is the details:


Hi Nikita,

Thanks for your response.

After a quick search on the forum, I am pretty sure that you are one of the first (if not the first) ones to encounter this issue. Hence, I will be looping in my colleagues @xuan.tran and @Elly_Tran so that they can take a look at your issue.

If anyone else on our forum had came across this issue before, please feel free to chime in and help Nikita :+1:


Welcome to our community. I found another discussion on the similar issue: The Katalon Studio installation is not progressing - #12 by Elly_Tran. Can you please try the workaround that I have suggested there? Thank you

Did that work for you @niompa26 ?

Not yet Mike. Whitelisting of URLs is not done yet


This seems to be the network problem. Have you tried it with a different network like wifi or 4g to download?

Hey @yoga,

Can you please try with another network and confirm whether it works/ not work. I would like to support further on this because many people are facing this. Thanks for your help

Hi @Elly_Tran ,

I have tried 3 different networks connection with 2 different devices, but the problem persists and encountered the same error that @niompa26 experienced .


Can you please download the latest v9.5.0 of KS over this link: Releases · katalon-studio/katalon-studio · GitHub and let me know if it works or not? If no, please help with video recording how you start the app and download the app?

Hi @Elly_Tran,

After i downloaded it from Github link that you provide, i was able to use katalon again (it works).

Thank you for your help