I am using Katalon Studio 7.0.5. When I open an existing project I am getting no project found. I tried installing Katalon studio again and also tried cloning the project again in local but still, I am getting No Project Found.
I have attached the log file.log.txt (8.2 KB)
log.txt (8.2 KB)
anyone can answer the Question, i have same problem …
Hi @erikpatar
What version are you using ? Please provide the log file under Help > Error Log.
log.log (57.5 KB) Hai , i am using katalon version 7.2.1 ., and here i upload the error log?
Can you help me, please?
Might be a simple question, but when you’re opening your project are you selecting the folder that contains these folders? If it’s nested in other folders and you select those then that’s usually where I see that error message
Any update on this?I’m getting the same.Error log is attached
Errorlog.log (649.6 KB)
Hi @Neha.ban
Please go to Preferences > Katalon and check Open a clean session instead of Auto restore the previous session, then re-open it. Let me know if that helps !
So the problem was I saved project file(.prj) as text file unfortunately.Is there a way I can understand the error log?
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