Need to implement extent reports in Katalon for BDD Cucumber framework

How can we implement extent reports in Katalon for BDD Cucumber framework.
Katalon Version- 6.1.2
BDD Framwork- Cucumber

Please let me know if there is any plugin for Gradle so it would be easy to implement extent reports, Also if Gradle cannot be implemented for extent reports please let us know how to edit HTML reports in katalon which can provide us a tabular structure in existing reports having customized labels like passed cases, failed cases, scenarios name etc.

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I need the same. Please help I want an extent report cucumber to have more statistics and graph like this plugin : com.aventstack.extentreports.cucumber.adapter.ExtentCucumberAdapter

Pleaaaase @team katalon can you show us how to implement an extent cucumber report like this :

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Any updated from this?