Mobile.swipe bug

I am using a MAC. Our company has just purchased a paying license. I had to upgrade to 9.6.0 but now none of my mobile tests work due to the bug with mobile.swipe. It will not be fixed until version 10 (wow just incredible). So now have the keyword fix but now I need to downgrade things. So, my question is what version of Appium and Uiautomator2 should I be using.

I am now on day four of trying to install this.

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Hi there,

Thank you very much for your topic. Please note that it may take a little while before a member of our community or from Katalon team responds to you.


Hi @tbrowning,

Is this similar to Mobile.swipe function bug - #17 by Elly_Tran? If yes, please help follow up in that thread and close this one. Thank you!

I am down to what appium version should I use; I assume the latest.

Katalon: Latest Version
Appium: ?
UIAutomator2 2.10.0