log console in “info” mode only. is it even possible?

Hello, as I run my test cases via Jenkins, everything is logged to the Jenkins console. For example –>

07-03-2017 08:44:29 AM - [START] - Start action : comment
07-03-2017 08:44:29 AM - [INFO] - ================================================================================
07-03-2017 08:44:29 AM - [END] - End action : comment
07-03-2017 08:44:29 AM - [START] - Start action : comment
07-03-2017 08:44:29 AM - [INFO] - This is important comment 1234567890!
07-03-2017 08:44:29 AM - [END] - End action : comment
07-03-2017 08:44:29 AM - [START] - Start action : comment
07-03-2017 08:44:29 AM - [INFO] - ================================================================================
07-03-2017 08:44:29 AM - [END] - End action : comment


What I’d like to achive is logging ONLY info commands (like in katalon’s log viewer when “info” button is pressed). It should look like this –>

07-03-2017 08:44:29 AM - [INFO] - ================================================================================
07-03-2017 08:44:29 AM - [INFO] - This is important comment 1234567890!
07-03-2017 08:44:29 AM - [INFO] - ================================================================================


Is it even possible in Katalon Studio? If yes, how? Didn’t find any solution to this…

Great news!

If I may suggest, please make it per project, not as a setting in katalon. Many people (myself included) have katalon installed and shared on one remote machine, with lots of different projects. And some projects should have i.e. debug turned on in console mode.

Thanks in advance and best regards.

Hi Miroslaw,

Filtering console log is currently implementing. Please wait for next release.

Thanks for your opinion.

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