[KShare] Effortlessly Generate Jira Test Cases with Katalon Manual Test Case Generator

Hi Community members, :wave:

The Katalon Product Support team hopes you’ve all had a wonderful New Year celebration with your families and loved ones!

We’re starting 2025 off with an AI-focused article.

Have you ever struggled with the tedious task of writing detailed test cases manually and wished for an easier way to streamline the process?

:point_right: If yes, then the Katalon Manual Test Cases Generator can help here.

The Katalon Manual Test Cases Generator leverages the power of GPT (Generative pre-trained transformer) technology to automate the creation and development of well-structured, detailed, and precise test cases based on natural language inputs. This streamlines the test case creation process, enhances efficiency, and reduces the manual effort required.

To leverage this for your Jira projects, please adhere to the following steps:

:information_source: Prerequisites:

  1. In your Jira project, please install this plugin from the Atlassian Marketplace website: Katalon - Test Automation for Jira. This plugin will allow you to generate Katalon test cases in your Jira ticket.

  2. Enable - TestOps Jira integration in Jira software. When you configure your Katalon project in Jira, the Save to Katalon button is enabled, which allows you to save your generated test cases in Jira to your Katalon TestOps project.

  3. Optional: Enable TestOps - Jira integration in Katalon TestOps. When you enable this option, then the generated test cases saved to Katalon TestOps are automatically linked back to their Jira requirements.

Without further ado, let’s get started!

1. Video Walkthrough

2. Step-by-step instructions

  1. Open your Jira project and Create a Jira ticket:
  • When creating your Jira ticket, fill in the necessary details such as the test case name, description, and any other required fields.
  • In your Jira title and description, provide clear and concise information to describe the purpose and steps of the test case and how you want it to be generated.
  1. Now in your Jira ticket, click on “Apps“ and then click on “Katalon Manual Tests”:

    • The Generate Manual Test Cases button is displayed. Click the Generate Manual Test Cases button. It will generate the test cases for you now:

:information_source: Notes: The Katalon Test Cases Generator may take up 3-5 minutes to load and/or process.

    • Once you are satisfied with the test case details and generated test steps, click Save to Katalon to save your manual test case/s in TestOps:

:information_source: Notes: This step will only work if you have already configured and enabled the TestOps - Jira integration in Katalon TestOps, as shown here: Enable TestOps - Jira integration in Katalon TestOps

  1. After you save your generated manual test cases to the Katalon TestOps, your generated manual test cases are automatically linked to your Jira issue:
  • Simply navigate to the Katalon Platform section on the lower right as shown below to display the number of test cases linked, which is clickable:
  • The links will take you directly to the test case created/saved on TestOps.

  1. Within the created or saved test case on TestOps, you can scroll down to view the linked Jira ticket:

3. Reference

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Thank you very much the Product Support team @support.squad and Bhavyansh Ameta (@bhavyansh.ameta) for such a helpful article to start the year!

Bhavyansh Ameta (@bhavyansh.ameta) - Junior Product Support Specialist
Bhavyansh is a Junior Product Support Specialist at Katalon who utilizes his technical expertise to assist users with intelligent solutions. His passion for delivering exceptional support is not just about providing answers but fostering a positive and empowering user experience.

Thank you for the detailed steps