Katalon is not recognizing Salesforce Lightning

Katalon is not recognizing Salesforce Lightning. Can someone help with the solution

What do you mean when you say - Katalon is not recognizing Salesforce Lightning. Could you be more specific. We have successfully implemented Katalon for Salesforce Lightning.

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Thanks for reaching me. Our company security polices were blocking chrome extension. Now all is well.

Hello Harpreet.

I am getting this message when I try to enter the text

Unable to set text ‘test’ of object ‘Object Repository/New Folder/Page_New Case DIR Salesforce/input_71029a’ (Root cause: com.kms.katalon.core.webui.exception.WebElementNotFoundException: Web element with id: ‘Object Repository/New Folder/Page_New Case DIR Salesforce/input_71029a’ located by ‘By.xpath: id(“7:1029;a”)[count(. | //input[@type = ‘text’ and @id = ‘7:1029;a’]) = count(//input[@type = ‘text’ and @id = ‘7:1029;a’])]’ not found)

12-06-2018 12:35:35 PM - [FAILED] - Test Cases/New Test Case FAILED because (of) Unable to set text ‘test’ of object ‘Object Repository/New Folder/Page_New Case DIR Salesforce/input_71029a’ (Root cause: com.kms.katalon.core.webui.exception.WebElementNotFoundException: Web element with id: ‘Object Repository/New Folder/Page_New Case DIR Salesforce/input_71029a’ located by ‘By.xpath: id(“7:1029;a”)[count(. | //input[@type = ‘text’ and @id = ‘7:1029;a’]) = count(//input[@type = ‘text’ and @id = ‘7:1029;a’])]’ not found)

here is my script:

WebUI.click(findTestObject(‘New Folder/Page_Login Salesforce/input_Login’))

WebUI.click(findTestObject(‘New Folder/Page_Recently Viewed Cases Salesf/div_New’))

WebUI.setText(findTestObject(‘New Folder/Page_New Case DIR Salesforce/input_71029a’), ‘test’)

WebUI.setText(findTestObject(‘New Folder/Page_New Case DIR Salesforce/textarea_271029a’), ‘test’)

WebUI.click(findTestObject(‘New Folder/Page_New Case DIR Salesforce/html_New Case DIR Salesforce’))

WebUI.click(findTestObject(‘New Folder/Page_New Case DIR Salesforce/a_–None–’))

WebUI.click(findTestObject(‘New Folder/Page_New Case DIR Salesforce/span_Save’))


Please help, I am new to Katalon.


Seems like there is an issue with the XPath that you are using. Generally SF uses dynamic ids which change after page refreshes. You would have to build a relative and robust Xpath yourselves.

I have the same issue help me out here with the XPath

If you are facing issues with xPath, have a read of this.

This tool might be helpful. This is also mentioned in the link shared by @hpulsford