Katalon Cucumber BDD Sample Project - Microsoft account password is incorrect

Hello All -
I’ve downloaded the Katalon Cucumber BDD Sample Project mentioned in the release notes of version 5.7.0. The project is well put together, however, the password for Microsoft user demo@katalon.com has been changed and does not work when the tests are executed. Can anyone tell me what this password has been changed to?
Thanks in advance!

Hi Jason, were you able to login? you can try this password - sPiHQ&YEa6ST`de+

I found this in this link - https://github.com/katalon-studio-samples/jira-ui-tests

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Hi Jason, were you able to login? you can try this password - sPiHQ&YEa6ST`de+

I found this in this link - GitHub - katalon-studio-samples/jira-ui-tests: The Jira UI Tests perform UI functional automation test on Jira Web Application using Katalon Studio.

Thanks! This is what I needed…