Katalon crashing post updating to Macos 13.0 Ventura

I just installed it on my private M1 Macbook Pro 13" that is also running Ventura and there it works!

mine is Intel one and here it still not working @Jass Could you please give some date upto when it can be fixed because I am blocked with my task due to this issue

Hi there,

For the issue that Katalon Studio cannot open on Intel Macbook with macOS Venture. We will tentatively release v8.5.3 to fix the issue on Nov 2nd.


what time is the release?

Any update @duyluong @Jass

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There was some issues that need to be addressed. We decided to release v8.5.3 at the end of this week.

whaaaaat ? not today ? why? I need this friday to complete the task


You can try downgrade Katalon Studio from v8.5.x to v8.4.x or older. Hopefully you might find no problem in older versions. Previous releases are available at

I tried to install 8.4.2 and 8.3.5 but I am facing same issue. Untill team provide a fix we cant install any version of Katalon on MacOS 13.x. The other way to do is to downgrade the MacOS to older version like 12.x.

If you try it and report the result back here, it will help many people.

I canā€™t try on my office laptop. Still, I can try on personal laptop as it has 12.x version.

I am lucky, I have macOS 12.6 on Intel chip + Katalon Studio 8.3.0; no problem. I would stay with this environment long. I find no reason to update them.

which makes me think, your IT team have to rethink their job.
usually, stuff like this goes opposite, the mass upgrade for company devices is whitelisted only after IT team is checking and do the whitelist.
on the personal device, the user is in charge.

therefore, raise a ticket with your IT team for whitelisting an untested MacOS release to all company users or wait for Katalon team to dig into and prepare a new build.

in both cases you have to ā€˜thanksā€™ anyway to Apple for inconsistencies between various OS versions.
More and more, they follow Microsoft model, with any new version, everything known to work will fail.

Hi there,
Weā€™ll ship 8.5.3.alpha as soon as we make sure the defect is resolved and core features work normally (ETA: latest by next week).

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Previously It was 2nd Nov after that it was this friday now latest by next week.Please provide update on Priority or any temporary solution till then

Priority has been already set, please donā€™t blindly upgrade your OS in productions environment.
You cannot ask each and every app developer to keep up with various under-the-hood changes, it is overkill sometime.

Therefore, your company should be in charge with gradually promoting the OS updates at company level.

You upgraded by your will? OK, welcome to the debuggers team.

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Hi @mohit.dixit ,

In case that you need the fixed as an urgent problem, you can try to install parallel Windows on MacOS, then download stable Katalon build. It is one of temporary solution or you can install Virtual machine Linux on your current machine

reference: Install Windows on your Mac using Parallels Desktop


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Thanks for the solution @loc.nguyen

Having issues while using Mobile Object Capture not showing device and showing that node is not installed but it is installed in the system and itā€™s version can be checked through command prompt in Windows (In Parallel Desktop).
@mohit.dixit Did you also face that error?

What about those that arenā€™t issued company equipment, or are responsible for maintaining their own devices and the software they need? You canā€™t expect people to test all software they use when upgrading to a new OS version. I certainly donā€™t have the time to do that. Not every company has an ā€œIT teamā€ like the one you have imagined.

Apple releases Beta versions of all their OS releases for the explicit purpose of testing and getting user feedback. At the very least, I would think someone would have tested the product on the Beta OS before its official release date, and then informed users of any problems of this magnitude.

These things happen, and I understand that. I am not really criticizing Katalon because I donā€™t know how big their software development team is, and whether or not they have the bandwidth to do such testing. But you canā€™t criticize this userā€™s IT team, because you have no context to do so.