Junit reports in jenkins

hallo everyone

i want to ask about how to publish junit reports in jenkins with katalon
i mean i dont know how to choose path the test result in there
anybody can help me ?

thank you

you could find the instruction here: https://docs.katalon.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=786527#CI/CDIntegrations-PublishJUnitreports.

Hope that it helps.

i was try that but it failed i dont know how to make a folder in jenkins and how to generate junit cos i always have failed

maybe your issue is with the junit plugin in jenkins. For jUnit plugin to start displaying reports you have to have one test run with all tests passing.
So if your tests are failing (or at least some of them are failing), remove the failing tests from the execution or fake the overall execution so all tests pass and this will resolve your issue (if everything is setup correctly)…
after one run with all test passing you can switch back to proper test execution…

i think i didnt setup correctly can i know how to setup correctly to junit ?