Javascript Dropdown

Hi, i am trying to click on a link that is present in dropdown which is a javascript. I am very new to Katalon. Can anyone help to post me the code that is used to click on the menu. I am using Mouseover action on offices then also i am unable to view the dropdown list when I mouse over on Offices

Offices → Americas–>Bogota

Katalon Help.jpg

7-19-2018 12-00-34 PM.jpg

Devanadan said:

Hi, i am trying to click on a link that is present in dropdown which is a javascript. I am very new to Katalon. Can anyone help to post me the code that is used to click on the menu. I am using Mouseover action on offices then also i am unable to view the dropdown list when I mouse over on Offices

Offices → Americas–>Bogota

open object properties (double click on object span_Offices from object repositories) and click all checkbox and try it.
plz find attachment.


I have tried with all those options but still I didn’t able to proceed.

Test Cases/Main Menu01 FAILED because (of) Unable to click on object ‘Object Repository/Page_MYICON/span_Offices’ (Root cause: com.kms.katalon.core.webui.exception.WebElementNotFoundException: Web element with id: ‘Object Repository/Page_MYICON/span_Offices’ located by ‘By.xpath: /html/body/form/div[4]/div[1]/div/div[1]/table/tbody/tr[2]/td/div[1]/div[1]/div/div/ul/li[3]/span[count(. | //span[@class = ‘additional-background’ and (text() = ‘Offices’ or . = ‘Offices’)]) = count(//span[@class = ‘additional-background’ and (text() = ‘Offices’ or . = ‘Offices’)])]’ not found)

Test Cases/Main

I have tried with all the “Wait For” functions.
I guess the menu is JavaScript functionality. Could anyone help to provide the JS code for the same

Hi Devanadan.
I have same problem. Do you have solution? Plz share to me.

We need to see your script and what your working with - im pretty sure its going to be a loading issue so try adding the waitForElementVisble before the step where you attempt to click on the option from the dropdown.

If this doesnt work please provide more information

I am facing the same problem. Any solution ye ?. How to handle JavaScript drop-down? . Kindly Help!