JavaDoc Error

The attached Javadoc could not be retrieved as the specified Javadoc location is either wrong or currently not accessible.

How can I resolve this issue.

I was trying to pass x-paths of objects and run my scripts.


Hi Subbrao,
Please import com.kms.katalon.core.testobject.ConditionType.
If your expression is underline that means the compile doesn’t know type of the expression.
A small advice: you should extract findTestData(dtSheetName) to variable to use in the loop statement. That will make your sheet load once time and improve performance.
TestData yourData= findTestData(dtSheetName) for (...) { keyword = yourData.getValue('Keywords', rownbr) object = yourData.getValue('Object', rownbr) .... }

Thank you so much Duyluong.

I was planing to pass keywords, input values, description etc from excel sheet and loop it through row numbers to read keywords and perform operations on objects (without adding objects to repo, I am just passing xpaths of objects).

****Any inputs on this approach ?

Your suggestions are always welcome.

Here is the snapshot of excel sheet data file:


Here is a sample for your approach:
TestObject dynamicObject = new TestObject().addProperty("xpath", ConditionType.EQUALS, xpath) WebUI.setText(dynamicObject, inputValue)

Thank you for your response…

so, Object must exist in Katalon before I add a property from Excel/CSV file ?

Yes it must be available in Katalon Studio before you add a property

I have deleted all Objects from Object Repo and I am passing x-paths of objects through an excel sheet and I am able to automate scenarios.

I have used below code for this:

TestObject dynamicObject = new TestObject(‘dynamicObject’).addProperty(‘xpath’, ConditionType.EQUALS, xpath)

WebUI.setText(dynamicObject, inputValue)

Hi Duyluong

TestObject dynamicObject = new TestObject().addProperty(“xpath”, ConditionType.EQUALS, xpath)
WebUI.setText(dynamicObject, inputValue)

I was able to set text in text fields using above lines of code but I am not able to click on Objects using:

TestObject dynamicObject = new TestObject(‘dynamicObject’).addProperty(‘xpath’, ConditionType.EQUALS, xpath), xpath)

Can you please help me to get it resolved ? Is above approach is correct ?

@Subbrao Bulbule said:
I have deleted all Objects from Object Repo and I am passing x-paths of objects through an excel sheet and I am able to automate scenarios.

I have used below code for this:

TestObject dynamicObject = new TestObject(‘dynamicObject’).addProperty(‘xpath’, ConditionType.EQUALS, xpath)

WebUI.setText(dynamicObject, inputValue)

I am wondering if you could use a fluent wait time. I was earlier facing similar situation where the control of the element and execution of the code was not in sync.It was happening in katalon as well similar to eclipse. I belive its as simple as using appropriate fluent wait in your code.

Yeah, I was not knowing that I could pass x-path and automate by passing all inputs in an excel file. Someone from Forum helped me to get it done.

Here is my approach.

and framework code:



Hi subbrao
what is ‘dtSheetName’
Inside findTestData("")
Please let me know ASAP
Many Thanks In advance

I have used a variable for my datasheet name.