It Takes Too Long to Tap and Verify Element In Mobile

Please Help @Katalon_team @Chris_Trevarthen
It Takes Too Long to Tap and Verify Element In Mobile


What version are you using?

@jjunior Katalon Studio Version 5.10.1

Hi @freak.fahmi,

Could you try upgrading to Katalon Studio 6.3.3? I remember some older versions were not respecting the timeouts set in tests, so that could be an issue you’re seeing.

– Chris

Hi @Chris_Trevarthen

I am Try Katalon studio 6.3.3 but still Same Too Long time Verify Element

[35m[HTTP][39m [37m–>[39m [37mPOST[39m [37m/wd/hub/session/2593bf04-c884-43d5-93e8-3553ab4dbc8c/timeouts[39m
[35m[HTTP][39m [90m{“implicit”:5000}[39m


Hi @freak.fahmi,

Could you also confirm what your setting is for the “Default wait for element timeout”? You can find this in the Project->Settings->Execution menu screen. I have mine set for 5 seconds. I’m wondering if a lower time would speed things up for you.

If that doesn’t work, could you tell us if you’re seeing the same slowness on all verifyElementText calls (do you have any in other tests?) or is it this particular one?

Could you also share the logs? I’m curious to see what Katalon/Appium are doing during that 53 seconds.



Hey @Chris_Trevarthen,

I don’t know if is the same thing, but I created a issue that the system is delaying to set values in the fields (System delay to setText in textbox (v.6.3.4 beta))

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Hi @Chris_Trevarthen

This Project ->Setting ->Execution

Sometimes verifyElementText and Tap Calls is Slowness

This Log
LogLongTimeTapAndVerify.txt (78.2 KB)

PLease check timeout Implicit:5000


Thanks for that info, @freak.fahmi.

It looks like your wait for timeout is set to what I would expect.

Looking at the logs, I see the verifyElementText command is looking for an object with the following attributes:

new UiSelector().className(\"android.widget.TextView\").text(\"Belanja sekarang dengan Alfagift\").resourceId(\"com.alfamart.alfagift:id/txtNotificationTitle\").instance(3)

And it does seem that it takes at least 20 seconds to find it. It doesn’t seem to take that long to find other elements, so I’m wondering if it has something to do with the the properties of this element and what’s showing on the screen at the time. Could you try to edit the Test Object for this element and uncheck the class property and the instance property? I’m wondering if the way that the Test Object is being searched may be too general at first and wasting time.

It could also be helpful if you can provide a screenshot of the app at the time you’re looking for this element.



Hi @Chris_Trevarthen

I have unchecked and still slowness



Hi @freak.fahmi,

Since your Test Objects already have the text in them, verifying the text doesn’t add a lot of value to your tests. You could try to change it to the verifyElementExists() function to see if that speeds things up: This might cut down on the number of steps for the check.

– Chris

Hi @Chris_Trevarthen

Still Slowness


Hi @freak.fahmi,

That is unfortunate. Thanks for trying all these different steps. Could you try one more thing for me? I’d like to see what Appium thinks is on the screen at the time when you’re looking for that element. If there are a lot of things on the screen, it could be slow to find the element you’re looking for.

Here is a post that I shared with someone on how to do that capture to getPageSource():



Hi @Chris_Trevarthen

getPageSourceHomeLongTime.xml (26.1 KB)


Hi @freak.fahmi,

It doesn’t look like the screen is too complex - at least nothing that stands out as causing a slow lookup.

I noticed that the object that is a textNotificationTitle is the only one of that resource-id on the screen. Could you try unchecking the text property on the Test Object so resource-id is the only property active? This could tell us whether text lookup is slowing things down.

One other thing you could try is to force the tests to run through “UiAutomator2”. This could be faster than just ‘UiAutomator’. To change this setting, you can add the following to your test before you call startApplication:

RunConfiguration.setMobileDriverPreferencesProperty("automationName", "UiAutomator2")

Note: you’ll need to add import com.kms.katalon.core.configuration.RunConfiguration to your test.

– Chris

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Hi @Chris_Trevarthen

Still Slowness


Hi @freak.fahmi,

Could you tell me the version of Android SDK you are using, along with the device model and Android version for these tests? I’d like to try to replicate the issue.

– Chris

Hi @Chris_Trevarthen

[35m[Appium][39m Appium v1.12.1 creating new AndroidUiautomator2Driver (v1.33.0) session
[35m[Appium][39m Capabilities:
[35m[Appium][39m deviceId: 0123456789ABCDEF
[35m[Appium][39m platform: ANDROID
[35m[Appium][39m platformName: android
[35m[Appium][39m app: D:\Alfagift-4.0.13-20190930.apk
[35m[Appium][39m appWaitActivity: com.*
[35m[Appium][39m autoGrantPermissions: true
[35m[Appium][39m automationName: UiAutomator2
[35m[Appium][39m deviceName: WIZPHONE WP001 (Android 7.0)
[35m[Appium][39m fullReset: true
[35m[Appium][39m newCommandTimeout: 1800
[35m[Appium][39m noReset: false
[35m[Appium][39m platformVersion: 7.0
[35m[Appium][39m systemPort: 64953
[35m[Appium][39m udid: 0123456789ABCDEF


Hi @freak.fahmi,

I tried creating an emulator with the specs you provided and I’m not seeing the same slowness.

At this point, it does seem like a bug, but unfortunately, I don’t have any more insight into how to fix it. I’m going to have to defer to the Katalon developers and hope they can provide more troubleshooting steps or put in a bug fix.

Sorry I couldn’t help more,


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