Is there any way to skip a test suite?

Hi Katalon team,

I have a test suite and I want to skip it when matching a condition, is there any way to skip TEST SUITE?

Many thanks for your help.

Do we have any update on this ? Can we skip a test suite in anyway?

Is your Test Suite calling just one Test Case or several? If just one, then you could put your code for “skipping reason” in your Test Case rather than the Test Suite and the Test Suite will start the Test Case and then fail. If several, then you can just uncheck the Test Cases of the Test Suite.

Or you can review the following read:

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Thank you for the response.

Actually my requirement is I want to skip some test suites on the weekend run from my daily run collection.

I’m able to skip the testcases within the beforetestcase by using conditions but my report is showing these test suites under the Skipped filter.

Is there some way we can skip few test suites within a collection and just not show them in the report rather than having skipped status . As our client is interested in seeing only PASS/FAIL status and not SKIPPED.

You can create 2 Test Suite Collections ---- “TSC for weekend”, and “TSC for daily run”. You can compose them as appropriate. No need to say “skip this”, “skip that”. You just want to include the necessary Test Suites and exclude the unnecessary Test Suites in a collection’s definition.

Your CI/CD server (or Windows Task Scheduler) would be able to schedule jobs periodically and will let you choose which TSC to run depending on the day (Mon, Tue, Wed, Thr, Fri, Sat, Sun).