Input error of Cyrillic letters - Android

Is there a solution to the problem of entering Cyrillic letters in mobile tests for android ?

When i use
Mobile.setText(findTestObject(‘input.field’), ‘Проверка’, 10)

Text ‘Проверка’ has been set to element ‘Object Repository profile.input.field’
But the text in the input field does not appear.
There are no such problems with Latin letters.

I am using Katalon 6.0.4 with Appium 1.8.1 on MAC

Hi @remix4you,

When you set the text, is a Cyrillic keyboard already open? I’m wondering if switching to that keyboard first would get it working.

Alternatively, I have had better luck with Mobile.sendKeys() than setText(), so you might want to try that:

Hope this helps,


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Thank! But that didn’t solve the problem.
it works but only with Latin letters

Hi @remix4you,

You might be able to switch to a unicode keyboard like this:

Add this import to the top of your test:

import com.kms.katalon.core.configuration.RunConfiguration

Before the startApplication line of your test, add these lines:

RunConfiguration.setMobileDriverPreferencesProperty("unicodeKeyboard", true)
RunConfiguration.setMobileDriverPreferencesProperty("resetKeyboard", true)

Hope this helps,


Thank ! It works.
My cyrillic character is entered correctly.
I continue testing.

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