I cannot get Katalon Studio to open Safari on MacOS Sonoma 14.7.
I have run sudo safaridriver --enable
“Allow remote automation” is checked on the Developer Tab tab in Safari settings.
Everything I have found says it should work, but I always get the error message below:
=============== ROOT CAUSE =====================
Caused by: org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: The driver server has unexpectedly died!
You need to have the same WebDriver for Katalon as you have for your browser. I don’t see Safari as an option in my version of Katalon (main menu Tools > Update WebDriver), but if you have it, can you try to update the WebDriver? Otherwise, go to a web site that allows you to download a version of the WebDriver that matches your browser’s version for your operating system. Then, install the WebDriver “exe” in the “drivers” folder: Katalon_Studio_Windows_64\configuration\resources\drivers
Otherwise, if we can get @kazurayam attention, he works on a Mac also, so he might have a better idea.
I could not find the binary executable of safaridriver there. I got puzzled.
I don’t know from which path Katalon Studio loads the safaridriver. I don’t know how to find it.
I just tried this:
$ cd
$ type safaridriver
safaridriver is /System/Cryptexes/App/usr/bin/safaridriver
$ cd /System/Cryptexes/App/usr/bin/
$ ./safaridriver --version
Included with Safari 18.1.1 (19619.
What is /System/Cryptexes/App/usr/bin/safaridriver ? I am pretty sure that I’ve never done anything to create this myself.
I searched and found the following Stackoverflow thread:
Where is it coming from?
Is it safe to keep?
Is it okay to remove from PATH?
The /System/Cryptexes directories are part of macOS security. Mostly Safari and a few other features use it.
So it came from Apple, it is safe to keep