ie.browserCommandLineSwitches doesn't work

**OS **Windows 10

Katalon Studio Version 5.4.1

## Environment (for Web testing)

Browser: Internet Explorer 11

## Steps to reproduce

1. Katalon Studio → Project → Settings → Execution → Custom → Add

2. Type ‘ie_private’ for name

3. Click [value] to launch ‘Custom Execution Configuration Builder’ → Add

4. Select ‘IE’ for driver name

5. Click [Preferences][…] to launch ‘Driver Builder’ → Add

6. Type ‘ie.forceCreateProcessApi’ for name, type = Boolean, value = True

7. Add another property with name='ie.browserCommandLineSwitches", type = list, value = [-private] (type=string, value = ‘-private’)

8. Press ‘OK’ button to finish.

9. Run any test case with ‘Custom capabilities’ → ‘ie_private’(that we just created)

## Expected Behavior

We expected IE run with InPrivate mode.

## Actual Behavior -

IE didn’t launch, and the test case was running forever unless pressing the stop button.

## Screenshots / Videos



I am also facing the same issue…Please help