I found that Katalon is not able to identify the object properly so wanted to go with the appium methods for object identification .
My doubt is :
# how can i use the ‘findElementsByXPath’ method in Katalon studio .
# Also let us know how can i convert the web-element (returned by Appium Driver) to Katalon test Object .
Please suggest . Thanks in advance .
Tried below code :
Summary : Below code is to tap on Username object (Class:android.widget.EditText, text: Username) .I tried through to find the object based on class and text field but katalon could not able to identifiy the object . so thought of using the code below .
AppiumDriver<?> driver = MobileDriverFactory.getDriver()
WebElement el = driver.findElementsByXPath(“//android.widget.EditText[@text = ‘Username’]”)
action = TouchAction(driver)