How to inregrate testing Web App on Mobile Browsers with Jenkins?

We run tests for our Web App on Jenkins (with Katalon plugin) and get nice Katalon reports with screnshots and videorecordings. We’d like to do the same on Mobile Browsers (on Android and iOS). By “the same” I mean being able to run our tests on Jenkis and get Katalon reports with screnshots and videorecordings.

Can you please advise
whether or not it can be done?
if YES, how can it be done?
if yes, what is the best way to do it?

 if NO, what else can be done to test Web App on Mobile Browsers on Jenkins?

Thanks a lot!

P.S. From reading, for example, Testing Web App on Mobile Browsers in Katalon Studio | Katalon Docs and Generate screen-based videos in Katalon Studio reports | Katalon Docs, I cannot see whether or not it’s possible to have Katalon reports with screnshots and videorecordings while running tests on Mobile Browsers.

I apologize for putting the same questions under both “integration” and “mobile-testing”. I did it because we really need to have them answered to make our desicion about Katalon.

Hi @gdearest07, this is duplicated with another thread you created here How to test Web App on Mobile Browsers on Jenkins?. Our team has provided a suggestion on the other thread. I would proceed to close this thread to avoid confusion for all users. Thank you.