How to Handle File Uploads

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Dear Katalon Admin,
I’m really newbie on this automation testing and just want to learn simple coding to perform automation on current project.

On current project i have upload file feature but I have to click a button first to open the upload process as shown below:

From Katalon perspective, i already recorded the test case but unfortunately it’s just showing as Click command only, shown as below screen shot:

> WebUI.selectOptionByValue(findTestObject('Object Repository/MobilKuEco_DataComplete/Page_MobilKu - Customer Information/select_- Jenis Identitas -KITASKTPPASPORSIM'), 
>     'KTP', true)
> WebUI.setText(findTestObject('Object Repository/MobilKuEco_DataComplete/Page_MobilKu - Customer Information/input__form-control caps'), 
>     '347589347085938905398')
>'Object Repository/MobilKuEco_DataComplete/Page_MobilKu - Customer Information/span_Klik disini untuk mengunggah'), 
>     FailureHandling.STOP_ON_FAILURE)

Please help which command should i use? So the upload feature could be proceed successfully. Thank you.