How to get Katalon html report via automation?

For my case the Katalon report is getting generated after the suite is execution completed. Even if I use @afterTestsuite in Listener class, the hrml report is getting generated after this only. So, this logic will not helpful to get html report. Kindly suggest, How can i get the html report path automatically via automation for the above mentioned scenario.

Thanks in Advance

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Please inform:

Do you have Katalon Studio Enterprise license or only Free?

Do you have Katalon Runtime Engine license?

RunConfiguration class provides String getReportFolder() method.

You should check what value it returns.
Try to make use of it.

see also Get results HTML path/filename through code - #5 by kazurayam

You can compile a HTML report of Katalon tests using Extent Report framework which is open-sourced amd free to use. You can control everything about the report : where to store the file etc.

If you have an Enterprise license you can use the following plugin

It is possible to integrate Extent Report into Katalon Studio Free without the plugin. That means you want to reinvent the integration plugin for yourself. It would be hard but possible.

Katalon provides some features about reporting in TestOps. Have a look at it:

You might find something useful for you.

Are you runnng locally or via pipeline?

I am running directly from Katalon studio

If I use extent report, I have to do lot of reworks in my code like takeng screenshots and loginfo. Is there anyother thing to generate report?

see my old post Get results HTML path/filename through code - #5 by kazurayam

Why do you want to do this?

The HTML report will be available anyway and you can read it in browsers.

What more do you want to do with the html file?

Do you want to copy the file into somewhere outside the project?