How to combine mobile and web test cases


Possibly you can make a Test Case of option1 type that first runs the mobile part followed by the webui test.

  1. You would create a Test Case TC0 for mobile part only, without any webui part

  2. You would choose “Android emulator” to run the TC0 with

  3. Later you want to edit the TC0. You want to add the webui part.

  4. You should know a thing: You do not necessarily have to use WebUI.openBrowser() to open a browser. There is an alternative way to open a browser programatically

  5. The only question is how the TC0 can instanciate a ChromeDriver = how it can open Chrome browser and continue interating with the Chrome browser using WebUI.* keywords.

You can do it. See the following post:

You would call new ChromeDriver(options) in the TC0. TC0 will open a Chrome browser window. You want to call DriverFactory.changeWebDriver(driver). This will make all successive calls to WebUI.* keywords to interact with the Chrome opened by new ChromeDriver() call.

Please note: You would run the TC0 with choosing Android emulater. You can forget Chrome when you start the TC0. Regardless which Driver type you chose in the Katalon Stuio GUI, TC0 will launch Chrome by calling new ChromeDriver() explicitly.