How to capture execution result for each steps into Excel file


Our regression suite test result came up with more than 40MB include screenshot so we are not able to sent it to our stake holders.
We have decide to write the each test case result status like Pass/Fail into Excel file and send that to users.
Kindly advise us how to capture overall test case result and how to write into excel sheet.



Hi anyone ,could you please help me on my query??

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Report is generated by Katalon studio in case of Test Suite execution. You can find this report in below path:
Katalon: Test explorer–>Reports->select any executed test suite->Right click on report u want to verify and select->open Containing folder
Here you can find list of report in different formats including xls having steps passed/failed. This will depends your setting in Katalon studio

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You can try Katalon Analystics!

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