How can I setting execution profile in test suite collection type?

Hello, I am executing the following command with KRE:

./KRE -browserType="Chrome" -retry=0 -statusDelay=15 -testSuiteCollectionPath="/path/to/collections" -apiKey="*****"

In my scenario, I have serval test suites in one collection, each suite has a different profile(some setting or global variable etc.).

Now, in some situations, I want to change the profile of one of the suites in the collection. But after checking the document, it seems there is no way I can do to achieve this.

I have tried passing -executionProfile to the KRE, but it will apply the profile to all of the suites in the collection, not one.

Is there anything I can do to face my need, or is there any other setting like -executionProfiles=profile1,profile2,profile3 to specify the profile for each suite in one collection?

Thank you.

I’m currently facing the same problem.
Trying to run a suite collection in devops release pipeline.

The execution profile mentioned in the taks configuration always is used:

  • task: katalonTask@1
    version: ‘8.1.0’
    executeArgs: ‘-browserType=“Chrome (headless)” -retry=0 -testSuiteCollectionPath=“Test Suites/xxx” --config -webui.autoUpdateDrivers=true -executionProfile="$(Test-Environment)" -statusDelay=15 -apiKey=$(api-Key)’
    displayName: ‘Api V2 E2E test’

While the test suite collection is configured to ruin with different execution profiles:

Some help would be appriciated, thanks!

You should read the docs more carefully, see:


Specify the execution profile that a test suite executes with

From version 7.6.0 onwards, you can use this option in Test Suite Collection execution. The specified execution profile is applied to all test suites in that collection.

There is something wrong in your command line.
Not familiar with the CI tool you are using but usually, in linux, the syntax $(something) expects a command to be executed.
Test-Environment is not a valid command.
I assume, this is an environment variable set in your pipeline, so you want to use -executionProfile="${Test-Environment}" instead.

see: linux - Difference between ${} and $() in Bash - Stack Overflow