Post execution of Script / Testcase . I have to show the count of test case pass and Failed . How can we do this in katalon. The report is big file . client want direct test case count post execution of script.
Not this actually , in one test case / script there will many number of test steps , i want to display how many test steps in that particular test case / script has been passed
If we attach entire report its so confusing for client as report contains code also, They want count of test cases passed (in detail: in one test case / script there will many number of test steps , i want to display how many test steps in that particular test case / script has been passed)
How many “steps” do you find in the following sample code?
import com.kms.katalon.core.webui.keyword.WebUiBuiltInKeywords as WebUI
System.setProperty("webdriver.firefox.bin", "/Applications/")
String url = ''
// which is near the header string "DOM Events", locate the target <iframe> element
TestObject toIframe = makeTestObjectXPath('toIframe',"//div[contains(@class,'sandpack') and contains(.,'App.tsx')][5]//iframe")
WebUI.verifyElementPresent(toIframe, 10)
9 steps? 5 steps? or other?
Anyway, Katalon Studio can not report either figure.