How Can i display the testcase count in report

Hi All,

Post execution of Script / Testcase . I have to show the count of test case pass and Failed . How can we do this in katalon. The report is big file . client want direct test case count post execution of script.

Please help me on this how can we show that.

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Hi there,

Thank you very much for your topic. Please note that it may take a little while before a member of our community or from Katalon team responds to you.


Is it what you want or not?

Set up an automated mail report maybe. You can either attach the report or not

Hi Kazurayam , Thanks for response .

Not this actually , in one test case / script there will many number of test steps , i want to display how many test steps in that particular test case / script has been passed

Hi Dan_Bown, Thanks for response .

If we attach entire report its so confusing for client as report contains code also, They want count of test cases passed (in detail: in one test case / script there will many number of test steps , i want to display how many test steps in that particular test case / script has been passed)

I don’t see what you mean by the word “step”?

How many “steps” do you find in the following sample code?

import com.kms.katalon.core.webui.keyword.WebUiBuiltInKeywords as WebUI
System.setProperty("webdriver.firefox.bin", "/Applications/")
String url = ''
// which is near the header string "DOM Events", locate the target <iframe> element
TestObject toIframe = makeTestObjectXPath('toIframe',"//div[contains(@class,'sandpack') and contains(.,'App.tsx')][5]//iframe")
WebUI.verifyElementPresent(toIframe, 10)

9 steps? 5 steps? or other?

Anyway, Katalon Studio can not report either figure.

If I want to count the number of lines of Test Case scripts, I would type a shell script in the Terminal window on my mac:

$ cd <Katalon Project directory>
$ cd Scripts
$ find . -name '*.groovy' | xargs wc -l
      64 ./TC1/Script1724447592246.groovy
      54 ./TC2/Script1724621857547.groovy
     118 total

I think that the count (number) of steps it’s not displayed. Kazurayam shows you an alternative with the Terminal.

Reports in katalon show the info of steps and results:

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