.gitignore file should include .cache/

I am using v8.2.0beta.

When I created a new WebUI project, it generated a .gitignore file of the following content:









I believe the following line should be added here.


because @duyluong mentioned it

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Hi @kazurayam,

We will have a ticket corresponding to this issue and you will be updated as it is rolled out,
Thanks for your information.

Nam Nguyen.

Can you please let us know how to get rid of the .cache folder that have already gotten to GitHub?


Thank you, kazurayam. Still, I’d like to get advise from KATALON (who didn’t let us know that .cache should be ignored in the first place) on how exactly to get rid of the .cache folder that has already gotten into GitHub REMOTE REPOSITORY (not just commited to Git locally) and is now in multiple local Git repositories.


you are wanted

By the way, should this file incuded in .gitignore


It looks like it gets updated all the time, which is not a problem if there is just one SDET is working on some Katalon project. But what if there are multiple SDETs are working on the same project?

Duplicates with the years old post:

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Thank you, @kazurayam! Could you please just share the entire .gitignore file you use to save some time? ))

Here is what I’m currently using (I don’t remember where I got it) but unfortunately .cache and .settings already got into GitHub:


No, you would not need it.

You should go with it. If you find anything to improve, just improve it yourself. That is the way you should take. It would save time most!

If you want to remove the files already committed into the repository, do as follows in the command line:

$ cd <projectDir>
$ git rm -r --cached .settings/
$ git rm -r --cached .cache/

Don’t you know how to do it in the command line? — Well I always use git in the ommand line. I don’t know how to do it in Katalon Studio. :wink:

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Are you aware that there are 2 folders in a Katalon project

  • .settings/
  • settings/

These are different.

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Now I do, @kazurayam. Thanks again! It looks like .settings/ are for Eclipse and settings/ for Katalon per se.


The following is the .gitignore file generated by Katalon Studio v8.3.0:









This does not have a line to ignore .cache/ yet.


Don’t you think you should?

Possibly you aren’t aware that some people got into troubles because .cache/ are included in the git repository:

Hi @kazurayam,

Thank you for sharing this with us. I will log this as a feature request from our end. Cheers!

No. This is not a feature request. This is reporting a bug carelessly made at ver 8.2.0.

  • Improved responsiveness and loading time for big projects in Katalon Studio. Results from our benchmarking tests show: renaming/opening test cases 2x faster, moving test cases 1.5x faster.

Katalon team introduced the .cache/ folder newly at v8.2.0. You should have changed the default .gitignore file at the same time, but you didn’t. I regard it is a bug caused by your carelessness.

As described at [New Release] Katalon Studio 8.5.0 - September 21, 2022,

[Git integration]:

Therefore I think Katalon team is supposed to be more careful about the .gitignore. Otherwise problems around Git may arise, as many of Katalon users are not experienced enough about Git.



Please move this post out of the Feature Requests category into the “Bugs” category.

See this post.

This post proves that a .gitignore without .cache/ causes a difficult problem to users.

Do you still think this is a feature request by kazurayam? No, it isn’t. I am reporting a bug with high risk of causing problem to users.

If you do not like to change .gitignore, then an alternative is to change Katalon Studio.

Stop using the .cache file at all.

The .cache file was introduced at v8.0.0 for “performance improvement”. But in my opinion, the idea was not successful. It just increased the risk of problems. See my previous post:

Hi @kazurayam, sure thing!