Generate Puppeteer Script Without WaitForXXX methods

When I use the Katalon Recorder to record some actions in Chrome, I can playback without any problems in the Katalon Recorder plungin, but after I export the test case via Puppeteer and re-run the generated js files, it’s failed. I found it seems like the generated codes are lack of “await page.waitForXxx”, after I added the methods, the code run successfully.
See the below examples:

element = await page.$x(`//*[@id="js-signin-btn"]`);
await element[0].click();
// get error that the below element is undefined
element = await page.$x(`//*[@name="email"]`);
element = await page.$x(`//*[@id="js-signin-btn"]`);
await element[0].click();
await page.waitForXPath(`//*[@id="signin"]`); // work fine after I add this line, the below element is ok

element = await page.$x(`//*[@name="email"]`);

So I want to ask if you can add the waitForXxx method automatically when I export the js codes? Or I should use the Katalon Recorder with another way which can avoid this problems?
