Fail to start Appium server in 60 seconds with no log

屏幕截图 2023-07-28 172321

Hello team,
I always have this error when I start a spy mobile, and cannot see any appium log generated. I’ve set the appium path, and I’m using appium 2.0 on my PC. Can anyone help?


I think you should refer to this: Mobile android emulator error - error message appears : fail to start appium server in 60 seconds. Hope this help

Thank you so much! I use the v8.5.4.beta2. It solved the problem.
And I have another question. Does Katalon support appium-flutter-driver?

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i also have same query on Katalon support for appium-flutter-driver


I found this relevant discussion: Does katalon studio support flutter apps based testing? I tried to record or spy not detected for the object - #6 by chen.lee