Error Using Regex while selecting from drop down

Has anybody tried using SelectOptionByLabel keyword using regex =true

I am getting below error when I try to select the month from a dropdown:
Caused by: com.kms.katalon.core.exception.StepFailedException: Unable to select option by label ‘^Jan’ of object ‘Object Repository/OES/Page_NationalStudentNumber/select_Date of Birth month’ using regular expression.

Here’s my script to select the month ‘January’ where the regex is ‘^Jan’( meaning starts with Jan ):
WebUI.selectOptionByLabel(findTestObject(‘OES/Page_NationalStudentNumber/select_Date of Birth month’), ‘^Jan’,

I intend to use variable instead of hardcoding the month like below where dob[1] is variable that stores 'Jan
WebUI.selectOptionByLabel(findTestObject(‘OES/Page_NationalStudentNumber/select_Date of Birth month’), ‘^’+(dob[1]),

Please let me know the correct syntax incase the above isn’t right.

Many Thanks in advance