Deployment testing: what you all do for deployments. Please see below

Happy New Year to All!!!

I have a question

  1. What do you all do for deployments; Does QA, SDET or Dev team run the automation?
  2. Do you add @tags and run automation? EXAMPLE: @regression @smoke etc.
  3. Does your dev team run the run time engine through command line?
  4. Do you use Test Ops? If so how; because you cant add profiles info in test Ops
  5. Have you implemented using Json files to call from? If so where would I store it

What are some of the ways you tackle testing your application with automation during deployments. Please feel free to give me detail steps or links that can help me. Thank you community as always.


Lots of informative questions :heart_eyes:. Waiting for lots of answers :confetti_ball:

I hope to get some responses :smiley:

none yet :slight_smile: